About Me

My photo
Cintruenigo, Navarra, Spain
-I'm NOT a blogger. This isn't meant to intrigue your mind, to get feedback from ppl i don't know, to talk about meaningless popculture and mediocre lifestyles in an attempt to seem deep. THIS is a life recollection of my 3 month vay-cay in Spain before I sell my soul to corporate America (figuratively of course). It's main points are to keep the ppl who care updated on my adventures and shenanigans and give the American Consulate a starting point should I disappear- Enjoy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 12

Dedicated to all the Moms out there:
(except not really, just mine because she's most important)

Allow me to start things off by wishing my mother, Brenda Howard, a very happy birthday! Luh u ma! what are you now? like 35? :) take it easy heart-breaker! you can see where i get my dashing good looks! People say if you ever wonder what you will look like when you get older, take a look at your mom.. if thats the case, I can't wait to turn....35

Ok moving on.

While we're on the topics of moms, [LOVE YOU.. gotta call you out on this one but no worries. its funny] allow me to take this moment to express how mine was inexplicably able to turn my NON-work, total chill, purposely unproductive euro-trip into a manual labor.

Ok. So the first weekend, mom wanted to skype. Ok, thats fine. It was normal stuff: who are the family? are they crazy? are you healthy? Normal stuff. But suddenly admist the seemingly harmless conversation mom to mom (my mom with the mother of family i'm staying with), she dropped the v-word: Volunteer. Seriously? I just graduated college with more volunteer hours than any college student needs for anything, 2 degrees, while holding down 2 jobs. Seriously? So of course, Eva, my host mom, was very excited and ran with it and had been making phone calls for thepast week and a half to get me involved with something. And after 12 days, she finally succeeded.. (insert profanity here... lol) SO for all of you people who don't believe in inefficient, non productive activity, this ones for you:

I, Autumn Howard, am now Profesora Autumn responsible for aiding over 200 students in 8 classes (between the ages of 5-9) in reading and pronunciation of English 2 days a week for 4 hours each in 25 minute intervals. yaaaaayyy :/

add this to my schedule of spanish lessons and homework, au pair duties, and personalreflection and chill-age.. and again i say, Seriously? Thanks mom. hahaha

Speaking of Moms, Eva reminds me a lot of my own. Her son, Ismael, is THE MOST productive boy i have EVER met (not by choice of course). ready for his schedule?:

Monday: School from 9-4:40--> English Class from 6-7:30 --> homework --> English with me
Tuesday: School 9-4:40--> Music Class 5-5:45 --> homework --> English with me
Wednesday: School 9-3 (they get out early on Wed)--> Soccer Practice 4:45-6 --> English Class from 6-7:30 --> homework --> English with me
Thursday: School 9-4:40--> Music Class 5-5:45 --> VIOLIN 5:45-6:30 --> homework --> English with me
Friday: School 9-4:40--> homework --> English with me
Saturday: Excursion somewhere
Sunday: Soccer Game (some Sundays)

Whew! Crazy right?! Heres Ismael practicing Violin after his fütbol practice and English class (but before homework and English with me). But don't worry.. He's no good lol then again he's only 6


I finally ventured outside of Cintruenigo. Today I went to Tudella to do some shopping with my new spanish friend Paz (which means Peace). Its got this great Plaza (Plaza de los Fueras) where we had café (coffee) and then on the way there are all these great little shops that had reDONKulous sales.. I bought my first article of clothing!! Trousers!

Ok. That about sums up this weeks events. OH. And i got a personal invitation to the party of the year! Be jealous.

Next Wednesday is Ismael's 7th birthday.. pretty much about to top any party ever. I've seen these kids get down and once you turn 7.. there's no turning back.

Not as many pics this post. Promise to do better next time.

Till then,

peace.love.and rockets


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