About Me

My photo
Cintruenigo, Navarra, Spain
-I'm NOT a blogger. This isn't meant to intrigue your mind, to get feedback from ppl i don't know, to talk about meaningless popculture and mediocre lifestyles in an attempt to seem deep. THIS is a life recollection of my 3 month vay-cay in Spain before I sell my soul to corporate America (figuratively of course). It's main points are to keep the ppl who care updated on my adventures and shenanigans and give the American Consulate a starting point should I disappear- Enjoy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 15

the local celebrity.

Hate to say it but i'm pretty sure i'm never having kids... willingly. When I told people I was coming to Spain to be an au pair, many said "why? you don't like kids." Well, you were right. I believe God selected the family I'm staying with because their son, Ismael, requires very little of me and I love it that way . It has shown me, however, what i can and can't put up with from a child and definitely the lessons learned by my upbringing that I value and that have made gotten me where I am today. Needless to say, Ismael is great (most of the time) and I really love how involved his parents are in his development.

but working in the school....? Man oh man.. what have i gotten myself into?
I am exhausted to say the least. 8 classes, 1st-4th grade. exhausted. Each class has its own schedule and activities but for today, I did the same thing....8 times, answered the same questions...8 times:

"What is your name?" you already know this
"How old are you?" older than you.
"whats your favorite color?" green, next question
"do you like cheese?" what?
"where are you from?" i'm sure you know this to.. the US
"do you have money?" not a dime, why? are you going to give me some?

My back aches from standing, my cheeks hurt from smiling and i'm sleepy from interacting with 342304839405 students and teachers who speak worse English than the kids (yet somehow you're qualified to teach? err?)

Anyway. I'm sure i'll learn to love it but for now, I'm glad its only 2 days a week. Thanks again for this mom (sarcasm). On the bright side, the kids/teachers love me. I see kids in the streets and in the halls and they LOVE yelling "Hi AuTOM!" and bragging about how they know the American girl. lol The teacher asked one of the classes (Ismael's class actually) where i was from and Ismael gets up and yells "Shes from my house!!" hahaa.. the teacher says, "well yes, but from what country prior to your house?" LOL.

Moving on the weekend. Lots of fun as usual. Friday, the bulk of the family came over and we made pizzas. And when i say made.. i mean from scratch.. dough and all. it was FANTASTIC


Saturday, We went back to Tudella where I bought another pair of trousers and a lovely new jacket :) Afterwards we had a drink at this bar (of the bulls). Here's why its called that:

Did you know they Kill the bulls at these things?! News to me!! Every bull head on the wall was once alive in a fight!

Later that night, I went out with my new buddy, Paz, and the bartender took a liking to me haha. He wrote me this note:
Which, loosely translated means:
"Please call me. You are the best that I've seen tonight and in years." -German (pronounced Erman. Really German? In years? you must not be able to see my roots in this poorly lit bar.. idk about the best.. maybe the tallest. lesson here: LOL men are the same in every country. trife.

random SN: i found i can get a pretty much full body wax for like 15 euros! thats like $20!
Eyebrows alone cost like $8! and if you're talking bikini?! forget about it! but here, dirt cheap. i'm all over it like autumn on spanish meals!

Moving on:

Then on Sunday, we had lunch together, usual, but instead of with Jorge (the father)'s family, we had it with Eva's WHOLE family. And they are deep!

Needless to say, the food was banging.. and they are astonished at how much i can put away (#kanyeshrug) They have a bet going on how long till i get fat.. so far i'm winning :) looks like the like me. They call me family.

Next weekend, we're going to a special celebration where they kill a pig in the street and raffle off its body parts!! I'm so excited! I'll be sure to post pics!!

WELL. thats all i have for now!

Till next time,
peace.love.and rockets.

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day! Special shoutout to the boo.

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