About Me

My photo
Cintruenigo, Navarra, Spain
-I'm NOT a blogger. This isn't meant to intrigue your mind, to get feedback from ppl i don't know, to talk about meaningless popculture and mediocre lifestyles in an attempt to seem deep. THIS is a life recollection of my 3 month vay-cay in Spain before I sell my soul to corporate America (figuratively of course). It's main points are to keep the ppl who care updated on my adventures and shenanigans and give the American Consulate a starting point should I disappear- Enjoy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 6

fitting in.

man oh man. you ever find yourself having an epiphany (a sudden, intuitive perceptions of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something)? I woke up this morning (day 6 lol) like "whoa." I left Atlanta for Spain just 7 days ago.. crazy. Seriously these are the times we all live for! ok enough philosophy. its 9am here.. too early to get too deep.

So as ignorant or racist as this my sound, i was BLOWN AWAY to find out there are Asians in Spain! like for real? Thats what i get for growing up in America... don't know ish. Ismael's school has a lil bit of everything, surprisingly. Mind you, with this being a small town, most of the people are pure bred Spainards but i've come across some mixed ethnicities. We are right above Africa so it makes sense and boy are they fascinated with la chica de Americana (that's me).. lol

Speaking of school, I don't know if it's just his school or if it's been awhile since i've been to an elementary school but these kids are like wild animals. Seriously, anyone remember that show 'Recess' from One Saturday Morning? The Kindergartners were like tribal warriors, well when the bell rings (and by bell i mean siren because the noise sounds like one of those 1950s documentaries "duck and cover" with the screech right before the drop the bomb, ya'll know what i'm talking about lol), the school doors explode like a stepped on ant bed and little wild warriors come running every which way.. and today i get to spend my evening with most of them because Ismael has 2 birthday parties today....(driest voice i can must..) "joy."

Oh so yesterday was Dia de ....something.. i forgot already (oops!) but basically it's a day to celebrate a saint. After school, we went to the church where people bring bollos (pronounced boyos) and the priest walks through the congregation to fling 'holy' water? on it which i'm assuming blesses it? then you go eat.. (this part i like) so we went to their friend's restaurant and ate bollos, which are essentially big, sometimes frosted pastries and you cut it up and dip them in chocolate! Mmm..

I leave you now with more pictures.

the church

the inside of the church

The Saint

la niƱa with her bollo

she was like "bump ya'll, i'm hungry" lol cutest lil thing

on our way to the restuarant

Bollos.. Mmm

the streets are so small! and they want to teach me to drive stick?! ha!

this weekend we are going to a dino park, lol and then the mom i'm staying with, her sister wants to take me to a party tomorrow night. you can trust i'll be back with more shenanigans for you to enjoy.

till then.

peace,love, and rockets. adios


OH and one of the moms is looking for an au pair for next january for 6 months.. she told me my friends get first dibs. ehh? ehh? any takers? i promise, you'll love it!

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